Prostate gland is a conical-shaped small gland at the base of the male bladder, that opens into the urethra just below the bladder and vas deferens. It secretes a thin, alkaline fluid during the ejaculation of semen. This fluid is a part of the semen. (Vas deferens are two ducts of the testicles. Each carries sperm from the the testes or exactly from the epididymis to the urethra. Prostate gland is present only in male.
Prostate gland may become enlarged, especially in elderly men. Since this gland surrounds the neck of the bladder or surrounds urethra at its bladder end, its enlargement exerts pressure or tightens the neck of the bladder, thereby obstructing the flow of urine. The patient has to sit fora sufficiently long time to pass urine. He may stand or exert pressure on the bladder in order to pass urine. Urine passes slowly, or dribbles in drops. Sometimes there is burning sensation in the urethra. He may pass urine frequently, particularly during night.
Due to enlargement of the prostate gland, there is retention or stagnation of urine in the bladder and this stagnant urine may cause cystitis. Moreover, urine-filled bladder may exert pressure in the ureters and kidneys, leading to damage and impaired functioning of the kidneys. Prostate gland is also a site for cancerous tumour.
Prostatitis : An inflammation of the prostate gland due to bacterial infection or gonorrhoea. It may be acute or chronic. In acute prostatitis, the patient has all the symptoms of urinary infection as said above, including pain in the perineal area, fever with shivering of body. In some cases there is anxiety, with the discharge of prostate fluid. In chronic prostatitis, patient has frequent urging for urination, urine passes slowly, with burning sensation during the flow. In complete retention of urine in the bladder, prostatectomy is needed .
treatment of prostate : Hypertrophy : Alfalfa, Aloe, Arg n, Bar c, Benz ac, Calc fl, Calc iod, Chimaph, Cim, Con, Equiset, Ferr picr, Gels, Hydrang, Iod, Kali bi, Lith c, Lyc, Med, Pareira, Pichi (fabiana), Picr ac, Puls, Sabal, Sars, Solid, Staph, Sul, Thiosin, Thuja, Tribulus ter, Tritic.
prostatitis acute : Acon, Apis, Ars, Bell, Berb v, Canth, Chimaph, Cim, Con, Cop, Cycl, Equiset, Ferr p, Gels, Hep, Hydrang, Iod, Merc d, Nit ac, Pichi, Picr ac, Puls, Sabal, Sil, Staphy, Thuja, Tritic.
prostatitis chronic : Aur m, Bar c, Con, Equiset, Ferr picr, Iod, Lyc, Merc s, Nit ac, Phyto, Pichi, Picr ac, Puls, Sabal, Sil, Staph, Thuja, Tritic.
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