Later on, the cancer poison gets into blood, passes on to other organs of the body- that too stop functioning, degenerate- under the infection of cancer poison- with the result, life ends with agony and pain.
GROWTH OF CANCER IN THE BODY : The growth of cancer may take place in various parts or organs of the body. It is named after the name of organ in which it develops- For example In brain it is called as brain cancer, it may also develop in breasts, lungs, stomach, mouth, throat, tongue, intestines, fiver cervix or in the tissue under the skin.
had cancerous tumour of left mamma, just below the pigmented area of the nipple. It was stony hard, round and size of walnut, had dull, aching pains, but sometimes had sharp shooting pains- when suddenly pressed. The left mamma was swollen, with great heaviness of breast, and induration of axillary glands with swelling and sore to touch. Patient had this tumour for the last 3 months, did not tell to her mother in ignorance. Only reported when pain started in the mamma - History revealed that she had an injury to her left breast during fall. Some 6 months back this bruise or contusion of the tissue of mamma converted into hard tumour slowly and rapidly within the said period. It was at its early stage.
cancerous ulcer on her right breast for the last two months with great burning itching pains, great restlessness and anxiety, always worse at night. She had inflamed breast with dark red colour of the, skin around the gang renous ulcer, sloughing of the breast tissue, (ie., septic tissue becomes decayed tissue and then separated from the healthy tissue) burning pains worse at night, great desire of scratching around, but painful to touch, with bloody, watery, corrosive foetid discharge, loss of appetite, great prostration, emaciation, pale earthy anaemic look of the body, great thirst. Pain in breast was worse by cold air, better by hot fomentations and warmth of the bed. Ars, 30 in alternation with CS3X, CP6X, NS6X, Sil. 12- 4 grains dose, after every 4 hours, repeated for 10 days with external application of diluted calendul 0 (1 :5). After 10 days, patient had 50% relief. Same medicines were repeated for other 10 days. After this patient had 80% relief which was checked for further cure. Carcinosin - 200 one dose and after 3 days, Ars. 30, morning - evening, cured the patient completely. Bodily strength was increased, with good appetite.
Cures for Cancer of Breast : Ars, Bell, diluted calendula-Q for external use, Carbo-an, Carbom, Carcinos, Con, Hydrast, Phyto, Scirrhinum, Sil.
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