A chronic skin disease in which itchy, scaly, red patches are covered with adherent scales. These red patches are almost circular in shape and form silvery white scales that can be removed easily. Red patches of this disease are found mainly on the elbows, forearms, fingers, knees, legs, feet and scalp. Very old cases, of 20 to 30 years' duration, are difficult to cure and in such cases, this disease spreads all over the back and abdomen.
Psoriasis is not an infectious disease, has unknown causes, but has a tendency to run in the family.Psoriasis is the combination of all three miasms-psora, syphilis and sycosis-that run from generation to generation and its poisonous effect varies from individual to individual in the family. Patients having psoriasis or combined miasms develop the various mind symptoms, such as feeling of much cold and heat in both extremes of temperatures; are emotional, nervous, irritative and angry-after little nervous excitement. Such patients are worse day and night with arthritic troubles.Meat, fish and egg should be avoided.
Psoriasis may be associated with cracks in the scaly surface of the skin, and nervousness brought on by anxiety. It is rare in infants and old people, but common in childhood or adolescence. It also occurs in association with arthritis, called psoriatic arthritis in 3 to 5% of the patients. Painful and disabling, it affects small joints, such as joints of fingers, toes, with their swelling (called phalangitis) or the spine in spondylitis, and sacroiliac joint with a disease called sacroiliitis. Such psoriatic arthritis may cause considerable stiffness in the joints. Itching of the skin may be removed by soothing ointments or applying simple vaseline over the affected skin daily. Psoriasis reappears in spring or at change of season.
psoriasis treatment : Ars, Ars br, Ars iod, Berb aq, Borax, Carbo ac, Chrysarobin 6, 30, Fluor ac, Graph, Hydrocot, Iris v, Kali ars, Kali brom, Kali s, Lyc, Med, Mang ac, Merc s, Nat m, Nat s, Nit ac, Petrol, Phyto, Sep, Stellar, Sul, Thuja, Ustil. KM3X, KS3X, NM3X or CS3X
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