Diabetes is a sugar disease-which is resulted from relative lack of the hormone "Insulin" in the body. In this disease there is high level of sugar in the blood due to less production of insulin. Because insulin reduces the level of sugar in the blood.
Causes 1. This disease appears when there is faulty condition of urine or when there is faulty carbohydrate metabolism. In faulty carbo-hydrate metabolism, the sugar contents in the body are not oxidised properly to produce energy-due to lack of pancreatic hormone insulin. Then there is accumulation of sugar (content) in the blood. Such appearance of the sugar in the blood is called HYPERGLYCAEMIA- which means excessive sugar or high level of sugar in the blood. Then after this it appears in the urine - called Glycosuria--i.e.the presence of sugar in the urine. 2. Pancreatic and liver diseases with dyspepsia. 3 Functional disorder of the pituitary gland. 4. Due to some diseases of the brain and spinal cord. (tumour, sclerosis, nervous, irritation, or lesion (injury) of the diabetic centre in the head). 5. Mental and physical exertion, stress and strain with headache and drowsiness. 6. Eating of too much sugar, sweets and drinking of excessive alcohol. there is excessive thirst and frequent urination, but there is gradual loss of weight, burning sensation all over the body, skin diseases, pustules and ulcers which are difficult to heal, constipation, much appetite, extreme debility prostration and in extreme cases the patient can go to coma -or at more advanced stages, there is coma and ketosis .In diabetes mellitus, there is eruption of boils carnucles, but wounds become ulcerated and are difficult to heal. There is itching of the skin, ulceration and bleeding of gums, spongy gums, tongue is red and glossy. A patient with diabetes mellitus suffers from Acidosis - a condition in which acidity of the body fluid and tissues is abnormally high. This arises after the failure of the mechanism (lungs or Kidneys) - responsible to maintain acid-base balance between acid and alkalies in the blood. After the failure of kidneys, the condition renal acidosis may arise, and sodium potassium and other ketone bodies are lost in the urine. The loss of ketone bodies or their presence in the urine may cause drowsiness, headache and rapid, hurried, breathing. After the failure of works in the lungs, the condition Gaseous acidosis arises and more then normal amount of carbon dioxide is retained in the body - as in drowing cases. Alkalosis is a condition in which an excess of alkali or reduction of acid takes place in the body. Alkalosis develops from over doses with alkali, excessive diarrhoea vomiting and rapid short, breathing as in asthma.
Thus Acid-base balance - in the blood must be maintained in the ratio-1:20. It is the balance between the amount of carbolic acid and bicarbonate n the blood. Any change in this ratio would mean acidosis and alkalosis. Lungs and kidneys play an important roll to maintain acid balance in the body. Any change in the said ratio will disturb the acid-base balance of the blood.
Diabetes medicine : Acetic acid-30,Alfalfa-Q,Arsenicum-Alb 30,Arsenicum brom-3, 6, 30,Argentum met-30,Argentum nit-30 and Carbo-veg.30,Carbolic Acid-30, 200,Chionanthus-Q,HELONIAS-Q, 3, 6,
Asclepias vincetoxicum-Q, IX, 3X,Ceanothus-lX, 3X,Iris. V-30 after meals, and syzygium-Q.Acid-phos-Q.
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