trauma and illness psychological aspects

টিউন করেছেনঃ | প্রকাশিত হয়েছেঃ May 10, 2019 | টিউন বিভাগঃ
Hahnemann writes in paragraph 78 of the Organon of Medicine that “true natural chronic disease arises from a chronic miasm.”1 A miasm is a series of reactions to abuses in life. These include dietary passions, habits, and environmental factors that affect generations of families through chronic illness.


"The ladies in my family are the saints for the men in my family," Teresa expressed, subsequent to describing the ages of sexual and physical manhandle the ladies in her family had endured quietly. Teresa had gone to my office for help with her continuous fits of anxiety and weakening nervousness and sadness, from which she had languished over for as far back as she could recall. She had effectively attempted tension and sadness pharmaceuticals, yet they made her vibe considerably more  detached and separated from her general surroundings.

At first glance, Teresa had a sweet and cheerful mien. She grinned constantly, she was warm, and her collaborators venerated her; in any case, she thought that it was hard to support herself and remained a weakling at work until the point that various transgressions happened, at which time she would detonate.

Teresa was conceived with jaundice. In customary Chinese pharmaceutical (TCM) belief system, jaundice identifies with a bother of the liver, the organ considered "the seat of outrage." An unfortunate liver goads an irate person, and over the top outrage harms the liver further, making an endless loop. Moreover, when Teresa wound up on edge, her heart vacillated away with palpitations. In TCM, the heart identifies with bliss. A gloomy, on edge individual, as indicated by antiquated medicinal conventions as far back as Hippocrates, bears an undesirable heart.

From a homeopathic point of view, the injury continued by Teresa's mom and prior ages of ladies in her family was currently imbued in Teresa's extremely being, sustaining early and interminable disease. Teresa had built up a miasmatic response because of the supported manhandle of her precursors and herself.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross portrays five basic encounters of misery that may happen in any request after injury:

Denial, or stun and mistrust, in regards to the injury

Outrage, regularly lost onto anything and everybody close-by

Bargaining as an approach to arrange, discover pardons, and dislodge fault

Sadness, a profound surrender all expectations regarding beating the injury

Acceptance occurs when a sufferer grapples with her injury.

These parts of lamenting are multi-faceted and show contrastingly in each person. Teresa's failure to fittingly express her outrage at work, prompting frenzy and hazardous outrage, showed a pressing need to process her reaction to her sorrow and injury.

I picked the homeopathic cure Delphinium staphysagria, a delightful purple blossom that has been utilized restoratively for a considerable length of time. To numerous individuals, the shading purple speaks to hardened blood, as when our blood bubbles from outrage. The bloom is lethal in its entire shape, however has been utilized homeopathically to treat sorrow and madness with much achievement. William Boericke, MD, in his Homeopathic Materia Medica, portrays Staphysagria as "vital for those indicating savage upheavals of passion."2

Teresa took a 200C strength BID alongside herbs, for example, (Mimosa pudica), enthusiasm blossom (Passiflora incarnata) and hawthorne (Crataegus oxyacantha). She changed her eating routine in view of her TCM constitution, got visit needle therapy medicines, and had room schedule-wise and safe space amid conferences to communicate and be completely heard.

Before sufficiently long, Teresa's nervousness diminished notably, and she depicted inclination more focused, more quiet and more in charge. In social associations, she discovered she was all the more promptly talking up for herself and not losing her temper. Alternative medication had contacted her miasm and set off her movement through her hidden misery, sparkling a light toward her recuperating.


Teresa at that point acquired her mom, who experiences a sorrow she ascribed to numerous years and ages of mishandle. Her mom revealed to me that, amid incalculable long periods of manhandle, she not even once cried. She was stuck in a discouraged state, and even in the wake of leaving the injurious circumstance, she had not possessed the capacity to cry or go to a position of acknowledgment.

Four days after a solitary dosage of Natrum muriaticum, 200C, she called me from the crisis room. She had started crying the day in the wake of taking the cure and had not halted, which made her frightened that something wasn't right with her. I clarified that crying was urgent to liberating herself from torment and that she was currently pushing toward acknowledgment. I could hear the grin in her voice even as her tears moved down.

Over the long haul and Teresa and her mom draw nearer to their mending, I respite and think about whether Teresa has turned away the passing on of family injury to the people to come. The truth will surface eventually, however my expectations are high. It is lovely to see a mother and little girl chipping away at their distress together in solidarity.


The youthful field of epigenetics has connected malignancy, coronary illness, respiratory maladies, and immune system conditions in posterity with ecological exposures in the parent. Working with the grown-up posterity of Holocaust survivors, scientist Rachel Yehuda exhibited the trans-generational transmission of cortisol dysregulation and the expanded danger of post-awful pressure issue (PTSD) in those destined to moms who experienced PTSD contrasted with those destined to moms without PTSD.3,4

This leads me to conjecture whether the Holocaust had an epigenetic affect on qualities related with bosom growth and high bosom disease powerlessness in Ashkenazi Jews, and whether the noteworthy injury of bondage and Jim Crow dread have a part in the higher commonness of hypertension among African Americans. I watch with enthusiasm as research in this field creates.


Today I got a call from Elsie, a young lady I saw a long while back, who was deserted as a newborn child and has since endured expanded mishandle. She came to see me for her terrible dysmenorrhea and wild outrage. Staphysagria extremely moved her case, as well. She weeped for a half year and was incapacitated by the sobbing for 3 of them.

Today, she was worried that her cure had become old sitting in the sun. She hadn't contacted it in months however thought about whether she required another container. Since our visits, Elsie has built up the quality to leave a deadlock employment and move to California. She built up more advantageous limits in her connections and started to seek after a work as an otherworldly healer, living on a farm and utilizing the recuperating intensity of ponies. She called me glad, vivacious and free. I revealed to her she was fine now and not to stress over requiring the cure now. We both giggled in understanding. She has worked through her phases of misery, and my activity with her is finished. I anticipate the likelihood of seeing her sound kids one day.

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today's quotes

"যদি শান্তি চাও কারু দোষ দেখো না মা , দোষ দেখবে নিজের ,,
শ্রীশ্রীমা সারদা
“আমি সত্যিকারের মা; গুরুপত্নী নয়, পাতানো মা নয়, কথার কথা মা নয় – সত্য জননী।”
“মানুষ তো ভগবানকে ভুলেই আছে। তাই যখন যখন দরকার, তিনি নিজে এক একবার এসে সাধন করে পথ দেখিয়ে দেন। এবার দেখালেন ত্যাগ।”
“যেমন ফুল নাড়তে-চাড়তে ঘ্রাণ বের হয়, চন্দন ঘষতে ঘষতে গন্ধ বের হয়, তেমনি ভগবত্তত্ত্বের আলোচনা করতে করতে তত্ত্বজ্ঞানের উদয় হয়।
ভালবাসায় সবকিছু হয়, জোর করে কায়দায় ফেলে কাউকে দিয়ে কিছু করানো যায় না।”
“সৎসঙ্গে মেশো, ভাল হতে চেষ্টা কর, ক্রমে সব হবে।”
“কাজ করা চাই বইকি, কর্ম করতে করতে কর্মের বন্ধন কেটে যায়, তবে নিষ্কাম ভাব আসে। একদণ্ডও কাজ ছেড়ে থাকা উচিত নয়।”
“মনটাকে বসিয়ে আলগা না দিয়ে কাজ করা ঢের ভাল। মন আলগা হলেই যত গোল বাধায়।”
“আমি সতেরও মা, অসতেরও মা।”
“ভাঙতে সবাই পারে, গড়তে পারে কজনে? নিন্দা ঠাট্টা করতে পারে সব্বাই, কিন্তু কি করে যে তাকে ভাল করতে হবে, তা বলতে পারে কজনে?”
“যারা এসেছে, যারা আসেনি, যারা আসবে, আমার সকল সন্তানকে জানিয়ে দিও, মা, আমার ভালবাসা, আমার আশীর্বাদ সকলের ওপর আছে।”
তোমরা অমৃতের অধিকারী।...তোমরা ঈশ্বরের সন্তান, অমৃতের অধিকারী...
'অমৃতের পুত্র' - কী মধুর ও আশার নাম

তোমরা অমৃতের অধিকারী।...তোমরা ঈশ্বরের সন্তান, অমৃতের অধিকারী-পবিত্র ও পূর্ণ।...বেদ বলিতেছেন, 'ওঠ, জাগো, যতদিন না লক্ষ্যস্থলে পঁহুছিতেছ, থামিও না।' জাগো ...সকলেই সম্মুখে যাও, সকলের শুভেচ্ছা উহার সহিত যোগ দাও।

‘অমৃতের পুত্র’ – কী মধুর ও আশার নাম! হে ভ্রাতৃগণ, এই মধুর নামে আমি তোমাদের সম্বোধন করতে চাই। তোমরা অমৃতের অধিকারী। ...তোমরা ঈশ্বরের সন্তান, অমৃতের অধিকারী-পবিত্র ও পূর্ণ।

-স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ (cw : 1/11)

মর্ত্য-ভূমির দেবতা তোমরা! ওঠ, এস, সিংহস্বরূপ হইয়া তোমরা নিজেদের মেষতুল্য মনে করিতেছ, ভ্রমজ্ঞান দূর করিয়া দাও। তোমরা অমর আত্মা, মুক্ত আত্মা-চির-আনন্দময়। তোমরা জড় নও, তোমরা দেহ নও, জড় তোমাদের দাস, তোমরা জড়ের দাস নও।
"তোমাদের সকলের উপর ভগবানের আর্শীবাদ বর্ষিত হ্উক! তাঁহার শক্তি তোমাদের সকলের ভিতর আসুক-আমি বিশ্বাস করি, তাঁহার শক্তি তোমাদের মধ্যেই রহিয়াছে। বেদ বলিতেছেন, 'ওঠ, জাগো, যতদিন না লক্ষ্যস্থলে পঁহুছিতেছ, থামিও না।' জাগো, জাগো, দীর্ঘ রজনী প্রভাতপ্রায়। দিনের আলো দেখা যাইতেছে। মহাতরঙ্গ উঠিয়াছে। কিছুতেই উহার বেগ রোধ করিতে পারিবে না।... উৎসাহ, বৎস, উৎসাহ-প্রেম, বৎস, প্রেম। বিশ্বাস, শ্রদ্ধা, আর ভয় করিও না, সর্বপেক্ষা গুরুতর পাপ-ভয়!...বিশ্বাস কর, বিশ্বাস কর, প্রভুর আজ্ঞা-ভারতের উন্নতি হইবেই হইবে, জনসাধারণকে এবং দরিদ্রদিগকে সুখী করিতে হইবে; আর আনন্দিত হও যে, তোমরাই তাঁহার কার্য করিবার নির্বাচিত যন্ত্র। ধর্মের বন্যা আসিয়াছে। আমি দেখিতেছি উহা পৃথিবীবে ভাসাইয়া লইয়া যাইতেছে-অদম্য, অনন্ত, সর্বগ্রাসী। সকলেই সম্মুখে যাও, সকলের শুভেচ্ছা উহার সহিত যোগ দাও। সকল হস্ত উহার পথের বাধা সরাইয়া দিক। জয়! প্রভুর জয়!!"
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